Let’s Talk Libraries!
Here you can find resources including previous newsletters, exercises, articles, book and podcast recommendations.
Here you will find all the past Let’s Talk Libraries! newsletters.
Big Magic (Creative Living beyond Fear) by Elizabeth Gilbert - particularly when she talks about Trust and The Martyr vs the Trickster. Could libraries die quietly with dignity or put themselves out there and thrive with a lightness and trust?
The Art of Relevance by Nina Simon – her ideas are very relevant to libraries and she shares the book openly here https://artofrelevance.org/
Palaces for the People (How To Build a More Equal & United Society) by Eric Klinenberg – “Why have so many public officials and civic leaders failed to recognize the value of libraries and their role in our social infrastructure?” and “If, today, the library didn’t exist, it’s hard to imagine our society’s leaders inventing it.”
Blindingly Obvious (The Beautiful Vision of Minnie B) by Minnie Baragwanath, leader and blind social pioneer – and her project ‘The Most Accessible Book Ever’. Please get in touch if you’re interested in being a part of this.
The 12 Steps to a Community-Led Library By Audrey Barbakoff and Noah Lenstra - This down-to-earth guide introduces readers to community-led planning, a method for putting equity and inclusion values into practice through programs, services, spaces, and decisions that center and empower communities. Find the book here.
There’s a Cure for This By Dr Emma Espiner - There’s a Cure for This is a beautiful, moving and insightful memoir by Dr Emma Espiner about jumping in the deep end taking up medical studies in adulthood, navigating the realities of the healthcare system in Aotearoa as a Māori medical student and then doctor. Find the book here.
Gone By Lunchtime - By The Spinoff. Gone By Lunchtime, the SpinOff’s New Zealand Politics podcast, is a must-listen for anyone keen to make sense of, have a laugh about, and potentially have a cry over what goes on inside and outside of the halls of power in Pōneke Wellington. Listen here.